Top Reasons Your Shoes Might Be Secretly Talking
Perhaps there was a Gandalf-like wizard who enchanted these shoes with a sort of life force. It would explain the mysticism of it all. Another explanation as to how the shoes have become personified is within the laws of Quantum reality.
The shoes might be simply responding to the sounds and vibrations around them. They could be sensitive, and require a companion of consistency so their sense of placement in this vast universe is not felt arbitrarily. Perhaps the shoes should be equipped with voice-activated AI, so I could be kept company and provided with emotional support as I go about my day! That way, I could keep my shoes company too!
Maybe my shoes are just reacting to the emotions and stressors of life though. Shoes are in constant contact with the ground and the shifts in weight they experience when I am nervous, excited... They could be effecting my shoes too! They speak to me in an attempt to let me know their pain and suffering.